Book The Space
Booking policy:
Ground Level Per Hour Booking:
Minimum Booking hours: 3 hours
Monday – Thursday - $72/hr
Friday – Sunday - $95/hr
Peak Holiday Season (24, 25, 30 & 31 Dec 2024 - 1 Jan 2025), Eve of PH and PH - $115/hr
Per Level Booking: Free 15 min early access. Cannot be utilize within the event timing. Subject to availability in the front slot and Management approval.
Eg: You book for 4 hours from 12pm to 4pm. It means you can access the event space from 11.45am but subject to the availability and Management approval.
Payment Method:
Payment via: Paynow (UEN: 202215401E)
Bank transfer (DBS Bank Acc: 072-707517-9)
Booking of timeslot is confirmed only after full payment (Rental fees + $100 (refundable deposit within 4 working days).
Payment to be make within 1-2 days upon booking through system. If non-payment make within the 1-2 days, your booking will be automatically deleted. If you need any special arrangement, do call 98009539 for assistance.
Full payment refer to Rental fees + Refundable Deposit. Eg. $288 + $100 = $388.00
Once Paid, do send us a screen shot of the proof of payment. Once we received, we will issue you a receipt and the door access code.
Refundable deposit: $100.00 (Refund after event is fully completed without any damage to the property items. Refund takes approximately 4 working days.)
We only accept booking up to 3 month.
The space has the capacity to host a maximum of 50 seated participants or 60 standing individuals Per Level.
We do not accept any credit cards payment.
Terms & Conditions:
To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all users, we have established the following terms & conditions. Click here to read.